• Spight

    Origin 1

    Full definition of spight



    (plural spights)
    1. Alternative form of speight

    Origin 2



    1. Obsolete spelling of spite
      • 1590, w, Spenser's The Faerie Queene, Book I Chapter , Her doubtfull words made that redoubted knight Suspect her truth: yet since no' untruth he knew, Her fawning love with foule disdainefull spight 475 He would not shend; but said, Deare dame I rew, That for my sake unknowne such griefe unto you grew.
      • 1706, Various, The Fifteen Comforts of Matrimony= Responses from Men Chapter , When I found Cuckolds to Encrease apace, I Marry'd one with such an Ugly Face That one wou'd thought the Devil wou'd but grotch So foul a Figure as my Wife to touch; Yet being at a Friendly Club one Night, A Raskal came and Cuckol'd me for spight.
      • 1768, Susannah Minific Gunning, Barford Abbey Chapter , --Nothing did I enjoy on the road;--in spight of my endeavours, tears stream'd from my eyes incessantly;--even the fine prospects that courted attention, pass'd unnotic'd.
      • 1789, Hester Lynch Piozzi, Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany, Vol. I Chapter , There was music; and the door being left at jar, as we call it, I watched the wretched servant who staid in the antichamber, and found that he was listening in spight of sorrow and starving.
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