• Squawk


    • IPA: /skwɔːk/
    • Rhymes: -ɔːk
    • homophone: squark in non-rhotic dialects

    Full definition of squawk



    (plural squawks)
    1. A shrill noise, especially made by a voice or bird; a yell, scream, or call.
    2. (aviation) A four-digit transponder code used by aircraft for identification or transmission of emergency signals.
    3. (aviation) An issue or complaint related to aircraft maintenance.
    4. The American night heron.


    1. To make a squawking noise; to yell, scream, or call out shrilly.
      • Orwell Animal Farm|6The hens woke up squawking with terror because they had all dreamed simultaneously of hearing a gun go off in the distance.
    2. To speak out; to protest.
    3. To report an infraction; to rat on or tattle; to disclose a secret.
    4. (aviation) To set or transmit a four-digit transponder code. (Normally followed by the specific code in question.)
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