• Stampede


    • US IPA: /stæmˈpid/
    • Rhymes: -iːd


    From Spanish estampida ("a stampede") in America, estampido ("a crackling"), akin to estampar ("to stamp").

    Full definition of stampede



    (plural stampedes)
    1. A wild, headlong scamper, or running away, of a number of animals; usually caused by fright; hence, any sudden flight or dispersion, as of a crowd or an army in consequence of a panic.She and her husband would join in the general stampede. -W. Black.
    2. A situation in which many people in a crowd are trying to go in the same direction at the same time.The annual Muslim Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, which is attended by millions of pilgrims, has increasingly suffered from stampedes.



    1. (intransitive) To run away in a panic; said of cattle, horses, etc., also of armies.
    2. (transitive) To disperse by causing sudden fright, as a herd or drove of animals.
      • Grey Riders|3"Cattle are usually quiet after dark. Still I've known even a coyote to stampede your white herd."


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