• Strikethrough


    • IPA: en, /ˈstɹaɪk.θɹu/


    en + strike + through

    Full definition of strikethrough



    (countable and uncountable; plural strikethroughs)
    1. (typography) An overlaid horizontal line striking out other characters.In HTML, wrapping text with the code <del> and </del> produces a strikethrough.
    2. (typography) A horizontal or oblique line striking out individual characters.(horizontal)(oblique)


    1. (nonstandard)
      • 2001, Rachel Webster, XHTML Simplified, A.D.R. (London) Limited, , page 113,The next requirement is to strikethrough, “Yoga is just massage.Inline style element <strike> carries out this task easily. It strikes through text.
      • 2003, Doug Sahlin, How to Do Everything with Adobe Acrobat 6.0, McGraw-Hill Professional, , page 37,Cross-Out Text   This tool is used to strikethrough selected text. You can change the color of the strikethrough and you can create a pop-up note with the Strikethrough Text tool as well.
      • 2006, Editors of BottleTree Books LLC, Myspace Maxed Out: Explode Your Popularity, Buzz Your Band and Secure Your Privacy on Myspace, BottleTree Books LLC, , page 59,To strikethrough text do this: <s>Strikethrough Text Goes Here

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