• Sycamore



    Circa 1350, from Old French sicamor, from Latin sȳcomorus, from Ancient Greek συκόμορος (sūkomoros, "fig-mulberry"), from σῦκον (sukon, "fig") + μόρον (moron, "mulberry"). Possibly influenced by Hebrew שִׁקְמָה (shikmá, "mulberry").



    (countable and uncountable; plural sycamores)
    1. (US) Any of several North American plane trees, of the genus Platanus, especially Platanus occidentalis (American sycamore).
    2. (British) A large British and European species of maple, Acer pseudoplatanus, known in North America as the sycamore maple.
    3. A large tree bearing edible fruit, Ficus sycomorus, allied to the common fig and found in Egypt and Syria; also called the sycamore fig or the fig-mulberry; the Biblical sycomore.
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