• Technomancer


    en + -technomancy + er

    Full definition of technomancer



    (plural technomancers)
    1. One who is skilled in technomancy.
      • 1993 , David B. Pilurs, ‎Lenore R. Caruso, & ‎Sara L. Caruso , Sun and Storm: The Enchiridion , Magetech only represents one facet of technomancy. It allows you to take a pile of metal parts, Power Crystals, Focussing Crystals, and whatever else you've gathered and turn the whole mess into a technomantic device. Great! You're still no technomancer.
      • 2008 , Shane Berryhill , Chance Fortune and the Outlaws , Speed Demon sprinted by within inches of S.C. and suddenly the technomancer looked down to find his hands empty and his ray gun missing in action.
      • 2011, Ian Stewart, ‎Jack Cohen, & ‎Terry Pratchett , Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch , What happened was that the bulk of the technomancers and the priests got behind the ideas expressed in Darwin's book, because they gave everyone pretty much what they wanted.
      • 2015, Brandon Mull , Crystal Keepers , I have visions of a Zeropolis so technologically superior to what you've put together so far that it will boggle your mind. You are a very talented technomancer.


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