• Technopoleis


    • IPA: /tÉ›kˈnÉ’.pÉ’.lɛɪz/


    noun plural form

    1. Plural of technopolis
      • Some technopoleis are the result of long-term planning and varying degrees of public
        private collaboration…Two of the oldest and most famous US technopoleis — Silicon Valley, California, and Route 128, Boston — were not based on long-term planning.Some technopoleis have benefited from varying degrees of visionary planning and sporadic public
        private collaboration, such as Austin, Texas; Troy, New York; Phoenix, Arizona; Cambridge and Oxford, England; and Bangalore, India (see Tatsuno, 1988; Morita and Hiraoka, 1988; Onda, 1988; Segal, 1988; Lafitte, 1988; Bozzo and Gibson, 1990; and Singhal et al., 1990).


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