1990, Margaret Scanlan, Traces of Another Time: History and Politics in Postwar British Fiction Chapter Anthony Burgess’s The End of the World News, Although numerous futuristic details are evoked—blepophones, nuclear hang-lines, portable artificial lungs for cancer victims, the transformation of the map of Europe into “Teutophone†and “Francophone†states—Burgess is at pains to keep the world recognizable.
1997, Language Contact and Language Conflict: Proceedings of the International Ivar Aasen Conference, 14-15 November 1996, University of Oslo, In the case of Germany, the idea of the Teutophone Volk existed prior to the unified German nation-state (which did not, and will not in the foreseeable future, encompass all of the German-speaking peoples).
22 July 2002, ehre, That negro teenage criminal got what he deserved, > So if you want to compare hispanics to barbarians, you should really compare > them to the Romans. The Romans were the real barbarians of their time, > whereas the Germanic tribes were more civilized. Your "Teutophone" inclination notwithstanding, I'm afraid nobody would agree with you, save Christians and Jewish nationalists. =) The fact is that Germans (and other barbarians, might I add) immigrated to Rome, not the other way around. Rome's fall in the West is rightly considered the beginning of The Dark Ages.
2007, Ryan Hickerson, The History of Intentionality, Husserl’s stated reasons for accepting it were its familiarity, particularly in Teutophone and foreign-language works of psychology, and its brevity: Husserl defined ‘act’ as a shorthand for the somewhat longer (but hardly cumbersome) phrase ‘intentional experience’. ... Exploring the import of Erlebnis for Teutophone philosophy prior to or after Husserl, the phenomenological tradition particularly, or even Husserl’s own later work, would involve more significant a digression from the present task than I can afford.
2009, Charms, Charmers and Charming: International Research on Verbal Magic, The other main charm-type represented in the Tartu archive is Three roses, a type that has its heartland in Teutophone Central Europe – German examples date from the 1500s onwards, and the type later appeared in the popular German book of charms, Romanusbüchlein.
23 September 2011, CDB, which is correct, anyone?, My German was never up to much, but isn't it "es sind" for plurals? "Es gibt" is more like "il y a". It's a little off-topic, but I would be interested if one of out teutophone* regulars could briefly explain the difference between the two German expressions, if there is one. >> *Did the Greeks have a word for it? "Skythai", maybe; Wp says the word was used, after the classical period, for the Goths. Scythophones.
2013, James Pamment, European Public Diplomacy: Soft Power at Work Chapter West European Public Diplomacy, A similar notion of a Teutophone sphere is historically central to German cultural and educational policy, but influence is seen from the German perspective more as using its power to create an interest and awareness of its political and cultural goals as a basis for dialogue.
2020, Ken Ireland, Literary Translation, Reception, and Transfer Chapter Jane & Theo: Affinities Stylistic and Temperamental in Jane Austen and Theodor Fontane, If Austen’s interests lie in social customs embodied in the novel of manners, Fontane later initiates a teutophone version of the genre, with the work of Thackeray at mid-century being, this article proposes, a crucial go-between.
1980, Frühe Klaviersonaten…how fortunate teutophones are with the word Klavier, so much more in general use with them than ‘keyboard’ with us.
3 October 1997, Karl W. Schneider, Why VW will fail at upmarket strategy, For non-Teutophones (?), the "GmbH" translations are as follows: (mine) "Store with limited action" (actually makes some sense!) Official: "Company with limited liability" Unofficial: "Comrades with limited brain mass"
26 May 1998, Andreas Carl, Critique of "Al Bundy - Das große Buch für Fans", Thanks for the short review, Gert. I think we (Teutophones) don't have to hear more to make a decision if we should buy this book.
2000, w:Nicholas von Hoffman, AD Electronica: Architectural Tours on the Internet: Making Virtual Visits Around the World, The site with the largest number of pictures, good documentation and informative hyperlinking is www.archinform.de, a German Web site where you can click on an English-language button to make it all comprehensible to non-Teutophones.
2001, w:Abram de Swaan, Words of the World: The Global Language System Chapter European Union: the more languages, the more English Civil Europe (2): Q-values in the European Union, The reunification of Germany, in 1990, has increased the number of German native speakers in the EU by the 17 million teutophones of the former German Democratic Republic, considerably raising the communication value of repertoires that contain German.
2004, Thomas Mautner, The Eighteenth-Century Current Bibliography Chapter Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason. Translated and edited by P. Guyer and A. W. Wood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp xi+785., A good translation is a help, especially for non-Teutophones.
9 April 2004, Randy McDonald, A valuable lesson., Frisians and Sorbs could have constituted nation-states, but their language territories have been surrounded but speakers of Dutch and German respectively, and Sorbs had the further disadvantages of being outnumbered ten-to-one in their homeland by Teutophones and of having to go through Nazi rule.
9 July 2014, Jonathan Prynn, Gone with the wind, Passengers are encouraged to share tables at dinner to break down national barriers, although, perhaps inevitably, on our cruise we quickly settled into four regional blocs: Anglophones, Francophones, Teutophones and “the rest of the worldâ€.