October 12, 2017, Gulnaz T. Javan, Sheree J. Finley, Tasia Smith, Joselyn Miller and Jeremy Wilkinson, Cadaver thanatomicrobiome signatures: the ubiquitous nature of Clostridium species in human decomposition, In conclusion, here we propose the impact of hypervariable region selection for the 16S rRNA gene in differentiating thanatomicrobiomic profiles to provide empirical data to explain a unique concept, the Postmortem Clostridium Effect.
2018, T. Komang Ralebitso-Senior, Forensic Ecogenomics: The Application of Microbial Ecology Analyses in Forensic Contexts (), page 136:Consequently, the aim of many thanatomicrobiomic decomposition studies is to document microbial successional patterns to produce very reliable means to estimate PMI.