• Traction


    • IPA: /ˈtɹæk.ʃən/
    • Rhymes: -ækʃən


    From Latin tractus, perfect passive participle of verb trahere ("pull"), + noun of action suffix -io (genitive -ionis).

    Full definition of traction



    (plural tractions)
    1. the act of pulling something along a surface using motive power
    2. the condition of being so pulled
    3. Grip
    4. the pulling power of an engine or animal
    5. the adhesive friction of a wheel etc on a surface
    6. (medicine) a mechanically applied sustained pull, especially to a limb
    7. (business) the extent of adoption of a new product or service, typically measured in number of customers or level of revenue achieved
    8. (politics) popular support
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