• Tragœdy

    Full definition of tragœdy



    (plural tragœdys)
    1. Obsolete spelling of en
      • 1613, Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas aut. and tr., Du Bartas his Deuine Weekes and Workes (2nd ed.), first week, third day, “The Svmmarie of the VI. Booke”, page 76While the Tyrant contemplated his lu?t, Iudith in trouble called vpon her God, who made way for her works through the Tyrants owne wickedne??e: who heaping ?in vpon ?in, approched at la?t to the end of his tragœdy: and mounting vpon the ?caffolde of the yre of God, falles a?leepe in his ?infull bed, & is by Iudith beheaded in his bea?tly drunkennes.
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