• Transmutation


    • UK IPA: /tɹanzmjuːˈteɪʃnÌ©/


    From Middle French transmutation, or its source, Late Latin transmutationem, from Latin transmutare ("to change").

    Full definition of transmutation



    (plural transmutations)
    1. (obsolete) Change, alteration.
    2. The conversion of one thing into something else; transformation.
    3. (alchemy) Specifically, the supposed transformation of one element into another, especially of a base metal into gold.
      • 1971, Keith Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, Folio Society 2012, p. 261:The transmutation of metals was secondary to the main aim, which was the spiritual transformation of the adept.
    4. (physics) The actual transformation of one element into another by a nuclear reaction.
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