• Trial


    • US

    Origin 1

    From Anglo-Norman trial, from trier ("to pick out, cull") + -al. More at try.



    (plural trials)
    1. an opportunity to test something out; a test.They will perform the trials for the new equipment next week.
    2. appearance at judicial court.
    3. a difficult or annoying experienceThat boy was a trial to his parents

    Full definition of trial



    1. Pertaining to a trial or test.
    2. Attempted on a provisional or experimental basis.


    1. To carry out a series of tests on (a new product, procedure etc.) before marketing or implementing it.The warning system was extensively trialled before being fitted to all our vehicles.
    2. To try out (a new player) in a sports team.The team trialled a new young goalkeeper in Saturday's match, with mixed results.

    Derived terms

    Terms derived from the noun, adjective, or verb trial

    Origin 2

    From Latin trialis, an adjective formed from tres ("three") + -ālis.



    1. Characterized by having three (usually equivalent) components.
    2. Triple.
    3. (grammar) pertaining to a language form referring to three of something, as people; contrast singular, dual and plural.No language has a trial number unless it has a dual.


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