• Trombone


    • UK IPA: /ËŒtrÉ’mˈbəʊn/, /trÉ™mˈbəʊn/
    • US IPA: /ËŒtrÉ‘mˈboÊŠn/, /trÉ™mˈboÊŠn/


    From Italian trombone, from tromba + augmentative suffix -one.

    Full definition of trombone



    (plural trombones)
    1. A musical instrument in the brass family, having a cylindrical bore, and usually a sliding tube (but sometimes piston valves, and rarely both). Most often refers to the tenor trombone, which is the most common type of trombone and has a fundamental tone of B♭ˌ (contra B♭).Jim plays the trombone very well.This trombone is very expensive.
    2. The common European bittern.
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