• Tromp

    Origin 1

    1892, variant of tramp.

    Online Etymology Dictionary

    Full definition of tromp


    1. (chiefly US) To tread heavily, especially to crush underfoot.Mother yelled at my brothers for tromping through her flowerbed.The hoodlums were tromping pumpkins they had stolen from their neighbors' Halloween displays.
    2. To utterly defeat an opponent.The team had been tromped by their cross-town rivals, and the players were embarrassed to show their faces in school the next day.


    Origin 2

    French trombe, trompe, a waterspout, a water-blowing machine. Compare trump, a trumpet.

    Alternative forms



    (plural tromps)
    1. A blowing apparatus in which air, drawn into the upper part of a vertical tube through side holes by a stream of water within, is carried down with the water into a box or chamber below which it is led to a furnace.
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