• Undeniable


    - + deniable

    Full definition of undeniable



    1. irrefutable, or impossible to deny
      • 2006, w, Internal Combustion Chapter 1, If successful, Edison and Ford—in 1914—would move society away from the...hazards of gasoline cars: air and water pollution, noise and noxiousness, constant coughing and the undeniable rise in cancers caused by smoke exhaust particulates.
      • 2013-06-07, Gary Younge, Hypocrisy lies at heart of Manning prosecution, The dispatches also exposed the blatant discrepancy between the west's professed values and actual foreign policies. Having lectured the Arab world about democracy for years, its collusion in suppressing freedom was undeniable as protesters were met by weaponry and tear gas made in the west, employed by a military trained by westerners.
    2. Some believe that there is undeniable evidence of UFOs.
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