• Underdose

    Alternative forms


    - + under + dose, by analogy with overdose.

    Full definition of underdose



    (plural underdoses)
    1. An inadequate dose (of a medication).
      • 1871, E. D. E. N. Southworth, Cruel as the Grave, Philadelphia: T.B. Peterson & Bros., Chapter 31, p. 333,https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008690458“... I put laudanum in his coffee last night. I was afraid to put in too much for fear of killing him, so I suppose I didn’t put in enough, for he laid wide awake all night.”“Ah, yes! that would be the effect of an under-dose of laudanum.”
      • 1960, Muriel Spark, The Bachelors, London: Macmillan, Chapter 7,If Patrick were to add a little sugar to her urine specimen so that she would take a hefty dose of insulin, and then to make her take a good walk without her little tin of glucose ... she would probably pass out on the mountainside. Or suppose he substituted his own urine in the test tube so that she would take an under-dose?
    2. (figuratively) An inadequate amount of something.


    1. (transitive, intransitive) To administer an inadequate dose (to someone or to oneself).
    2. (transitive) To administer an inadequate dose of (a medication).
      • 1679, Richard Fletcher, The Vertues of that Well-Known and Often Experienced Medicine Fletcher’s Powder, London, “Directions for the Use of that Excellent Medicine Fletcher’s Powder,” p. 6,http://name.umdl.umich.edu/A39817.0001.001... a Child new-born may take an eighth or tenth part of a paper, a Child of a year old a quarter of a paper or a sixth part, 2, 3, or 4 years old a third 5, 6, 7, half a paper, &c. for you cannot hurt if you over or under dose it a little; the Medicine being safe.
      • 2013, Judy Mandell, “‘Critically Ill’ author Frederick Southwick on what ails our healthcare system,” Los Angeles Times, 26 July, 2013,http://articles.latimes.com/2013/jul/26/health/la-he-five-questions-southwick-20130727An intern underdosed her heparin (blood thinner), and she suffered a large blood clot in a lung.
      • 2016, Samuel J. Mann, “The Scandal of Uncontrolled Hypertension: A Widely-Overlooked Remedy,” HuffPost, 21 August, 2016,http://www.huffingtonpost.com/samuel-j-mann-md/the-scandal-of-uncontroll_b_8018302.htmlOne such drug class can solve uncontrolled hypertension in perhaps half of cases yet is widely under-prescribed and/or under-dosed, with tragic consequences.
    3. (figuratively, intransitive) To use a scant or inadequate amount of an ingredient or product.



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