1958, Ralph Merridette Holland, Ghu's Lexicon, It is considered unfannish to cater to the whims and desires of readers.
1959, w:Terry Carr; Ron Ellik (as Carl Brandon), The BNF of Iz Chapter The Scarecrow, I want to see the BNF anyway, so that I can get a new beanie. You know that beanies protect the fannish headbone from unfannish thoughts ... well, my beanie is so worn out that I'm afraid I'll turn into a non-fan if I don't look out.
November 17 1995, Ulrika, Re: TAFF 1996, What, like the Croydon lot who run a Fannishness contest not unlike the Purity Tests? Well, tupp 'em all, I say. Besides, in some ways it would be *dreadfully* unfannish to stand for TAFF without ever having pubbed your ish. I think that ought to gain you a lot of points for creativity in your unfannishness.
2000, Daniel O'Mahony, Re: Cornell pisses on R.A.D.W (again!), Compare Paul's review with Anthony Brown's piece on 'The Claws of Axos' run by DWB exactly a year earlier. Paul's review seems rather elliptical and unfannish whereas Anthony's - a real passionate hatchet job, also drawing on the fan-background of the period - is much more fan-traditionalist and analytical in approach, while still expressing unexpectedly radical viewpoints about Pertwee's sacred cow stories.
2009, w:Mike Resnick, ...Always a Fan, Wound up back at the Jim Baen's Universe suite, which seemed to be the only non-bidding suite open after 3:00—very unfannish, how early the parties kept shutting down—and visited with the Baeniacs for a couple of hours, then toddled off to bed just ahead of the sunrise, which is how you're supposed to do it at Worldcons.