• Unfold


    • RP IPA: /ÊŒnˈfəʊld/
    • GenAm IPA: /ÊŒnˈfoÊŠld/
    • Rhymes: -əʊld

    Full definition of unfold


    1. To undo a folding.
      • HerbertUnfold thy forehead gathered into frowns.
      • 1963, Margery Allingham, The China Governess Chapter 19, Meanwhile Nanny Broome was recovering from her initial panic and seemed anxious to make up for any kudos she might have lost, by exerting her personality to the utmost. She took the policeman's helmet and placed it on a chair, and unfolded his tunic to shake it and fold it up again for him.
    2. to unfold a tablecloth
    3. (intransitive) To turn out to happen; to develop.
    4. (transitive) To reveal.
      • Shakespeare Hamlet, I.v.Pity me not, but lend thy serious hearing  To what I shall unfold.
    5. To open (anything covered or closed); to lay open to view or contemplation; to bring out in all the details, or by successive development.
    6. to unfold one's designs;  to unfold the principles of a science
    7. To release from a fold or pen.
      to unfold sheep


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