• Unlesss


    Attributed to John Horton Conway. From unless, by analogy with the formation of iff from if.

    Full definition of unlesss


    1. (mathematics, logic) Precisely unless.
      • 1990, James Glimm, The Legacy of John Von Neumann, American Mathematical Society, , page 279,Partial Order: G ≥ H unlesss (unless and only unless) H ≥ some GR or some H
    L ≥ G.
    x\in X there is a real number \epsilon=\epsilon_x>0 such that \lambda x\in S for all \lambda with 0< \left|\lambda\right|\le\epsilon. Trivially the set X is absorbing; on the other hand \{0\} can never be absorbing (unlesss X=\{0\}).
      • 2004, William Fraser, Susan Hirshberg, and David Wolfe, "The Structure of the Distributive Lattice of Games Born by Day n", in Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 5(2) (2005), page 2,G ≥ H     unlesss H ≥ GR or H
    L ≥ G for some GR ∈ GR or some HL ∈ HL. ¶ (Analogous to “iff”, the term “unlesss” means “unless and only unless”.)


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