• Variadic


    • US IPA: en, /vɛɹiˈædɪk/
    • RP IPA: en, /vɛəɹiˈædɪk/
    • Rhymes: -en, -ædɪk


    en + -variable + adic

    Full definition of variadic



    1. (computing, mathematics, linguistics) Taking a variable number of arguments; especially, taking arbitrarily many arguments.
      • 1983, Alan Bundy, The Computer Modelling of Mathematical Reasoning,http://books.google.com.au/books?id=El8_AQAAIAAJ&q=variadic Academic Press, page 48:There are some functions and predicates which we tend to think of as being able to take any number of parameters – of being of variable arity or variadic.
      • 2004, François Récanati, Literal Meaning, Cambridge University Press, , page 109:The variadic functions that increase the valence of the input relation through the addition of a circumstance to the set of its argument-roles can be represented by means of an operator (or rather, a family of operators) ‘Circ’.
      • 2006, Nils M. Holm, Sketchy LISP: An Introduction to Functional Programming in Scheme, Second Edition, Lulu.com, :page 53: However, the real max procedure of Scheme is a variadic procedure, which means that it accepts any positive number of arguments: ¶
    (max 5 1 3 8 9 7 2 6 4) => 9
      • page 54: Because (non-primitive) procedures are created using lambda, there must be a way to create variadic lambda functions, too.
    1. C's printf is one of the most widely used variadic functions.
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