• Warhorse


    war + horse

    Full definition of warhorse



    (plural warhorses)
    1. (historical) Any horse used in horse-cavalry, but especially one bearing an armored knight.As he spoke, the knight-errant, who had remounted his warhorse, galloped forward to the royal stand, with a silken kerchief bound round his wounded arm. — Arthur Conan Doyle, The White Company, .
    2. (theater, music) A regularly revived theatrical or musical work, as with Hamlet or a Beethoven symphony, or as excerpts thereto. May imply that the work in question has become hackneyed.2006 Most important though is the fact that, for the first time in I can barely remember how long, the ROH mounts a new production of an Italian repertory warhorse that is fully on the level of the one it replaces indeed, in some respects, surpasses it ... we actually have a "Tosca". — Google group.
    3. An experienced person who has been through many battles, situations or contests; someone who has given long service."Srinath: India's warhorse" (headline from BBC News)
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