Hawthorne House Seven Gables|page=285|passage=Just then, as it happened, the train reached a solitary way-station.
1975, Rufus W. Mathewson, Jr., The Positive Hero in Russian Literature, Here Belinsky has reached a way-station on the route to something else.
1981, William Irwin Thompson, The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light: Mythology, Sexuality and the Origins of Culture, At one of the way-stations on his long journey a barmaid at a tavern speaks to Gilgamesh and tries to give him common sense on the human condition.
2013, Cara N. Cilano, Contemporary Pakistani Fiction in English: Idea, Nation, State, At the same time, Mano Majra serves as the site of a murder-burglary, attempted communist activities, and “ghost train†way-station.