• Wedding


    Origin 1

    From Middle English wedding, weddynge, from Old English weddung ("betrothal, espousal"), equivalent to wed + -ing. Cognate with Middle Dutch weddinghe.


    1. Present participle of wed
      • 1885, Richard Francis Burton, , Volume 14,Accordingly the Prince, accepting her largesse, sought the King to whom he had pledged his parents (and they were still with him in all weal and welfare) and going in to him made his salam and kissed ground and told him the whole tale of the past and the conditions of death or marriage he had made with the King's daughter and of his wedding her after overcoming her in contention.

    Full definition of wedding



    (plural weddings)
    1. Marriage ceremony; ritual officially celebrating the beginning of a marriage.Her announcement was quite a surprise, coming a month after she published the words "I hate weddings with a passion and a fury I can only partially explain rationally."
      • 1858, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, , in ,Simple and brief was the wedding, as that of Ruth and of Boaz.
      • 1909, Lucy Maud Montgomery, , Chapter XXIV,Rumor has it that there will be a wedding in our village ere the daisies are in bloom.
      • 1922, Anton Chekhov, (translator), , in ,After the wedding there was singing and concertina-playing in the laundry till late evening.
    2. Joining of two or more parts.The wedding of our three companies took place last week.

    Origin 2

    Conversion of wedding (noun) to verb.


    1. To participate in a wedding.
      • 1905, Hubert Garle, A driving tour in the Isle of Wight, "Snowball" was the name of this good steed, and great care had evidently been taken in her grooming to make her worthy of her name, her bridle being also gaily decked with coloured ribbons, for, as John said, when attending to these duties, "You don't go out a weddinging every day, do you, old gal?"
      • 1909, Daisy E. M. F. Campbell, Miss Yin Yang, of Shanghai, "Where you goin' get weddinged?" she inquired one day.
        "We shall be married at the Episcopal Church, Yin Yang,"
      • 1998, July 3, NET-HAPPENINGS Digest, Getting married is entirely different than getting weddinged.
      • 2002, Whitney Balliett, Collected Works: A Journal of Jazz 1954-2001, (In her private life this year, three of her children have been married, in quick succession, leaving her "weddinged out.")
      • 2010, Edward Anchel, Lost in Vegas, It was the most opportune time; I had my agenda and she had hers, and I suspected that she and Susan would be “weddinged” out by the time they got home
      • 2010, October 20, Sideshow: Stop the press:..., Wasn't he the dude she weddinged with in her "Love All Over Me" vid? Sure was. . .

    Usage notes

    Usually intended for a humorous effect.

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