• Whigger


    • Rhymes: -ɪɡə(ɹ)

    Full definition of whigger



    (plural whiggers)
    1. (pejorative, offensive, slang) Alternative spelling of wigger
      • 1999, James Ryan, Race and Ethnicity in Multi-Ethnic Schools, Multilingual Matters, , page 144,Students’ peers exert considerable pressure on them to stay within their groups and to avoid others who are not part of the group. ... individuals who stray from what some of their fellow students believe to be their appropriate peer group may be subject to penalties. Agnes, for example, an Anglo of European background, has been called a ‘whigger’ by White students for associating with students of African heritage.
      • 2003, February 8, I. M. White, "Re: 'Phantom Ryder' -- proven liar, watch it run away...", alt.revisionism and
    alt.flame.niggers, Usenet,http://groups.google.com/group/alt.revisionism/msg/4d64e2ec3e50082a
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