(Wiktionary and WMF jargon) A hyperlink in a wiki entry, linking to another entry.
2008, John Broughton, Wikipedia: the missing manual, Go through the article and create internal links (wikilinks) that point to other articles (this is part of what is called wikification).
2008, Phoebe Ayers, Charles Matthews, Ben Yates, How Wikipedia works: and how you can be a part of it, Adding too many wikilinks (overlinking) is usually caused by novice over-enthusiasm
2009, Charley Rowe, Eva Lia Wyss, Language and new media: linguistic, cultural, and technological evolutions, Veterans avoid the excessive use of wiki-compounding as it is considered "unencyclopedic" and cliche. However, it is tolerated when it refers to technical terms (eg, wikilinks), when it is an existing subject