• Wishy-washy


    • UK IPA: /ˈwɪʃ.iËŒwɒʃ.i/
    • US IPA: /ˈwɪʃ.iËŒwÉ‘.ʃi/, /ˈwɪʃ.iËŒwÉ”.ʃi/

    Full definition of wishy-washy



    1. Wavering; lacking in commitment, certainty, or support; namby-pamby.Not wanting to be pressed for details, public relations gave a wishy-washy answer.
    2. Thin or watery.The wishy-washy orange juice served by the cafeteria not only failed to be sweet; it was barely orange.
      • 1915, "Maine booze turns an iron tub blue", The Mixer and Server 24 (1): 5Usually the quality of the liquor is judged by the "bite" of it. The hotter the better. A drink of first class, aged whisky would be ridiculed in most parts of Maine as a wishy-washy beverage fit only for mollycoddles. The Down East "soak" wants something that stings and burns all the way, and usually he gets it...
      • 2006, Gipsy Petulengro, Romany Hints for Outdoor Living and Tips for Ramblers, page 7And you will appreciate drinking the hot cup, or rather billy, of tea—which is more than one can call the wishy-washy concoction served up in some 'tea-houses'.
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