1594, Christopher Marlowe, Massacre at Paris Chapter , The guider of all crownes, Graunt that our deeds may wel deserve your loves: And so they shall, if fortune speed my will, And yeeld our thoughts to height of my desertes.
1577, Raphael Holinshed, Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (2 of 12) Chapter , This doone, he goeth with a mightie armie into Kent, where the sedition began, and first comming to the castell of Tunbridge, ... he compelled capteine Gilbert to yeeld vp the fortresse into his hands.
1676, Izaak Walton, The Compleat Angler Chapter , Of which my next shall be to tell you, it is certain, that certain fields neer Lemster, a Town in Herefordshire, are observed, that they make the Sheep that graze upon them more fat then the next, and also to bear finer Wool; that is to say, that that year in which they feed in such a particular pasture, ... they shall yeeld finer wool then the yeer before they came to feed in it, and courser again if they shall return to their former pasture, and again return to a finer wool being fed in the fine wool ground.