• Yours


    • RP IPA: /jɔː(ɹ)z/
    • Rhymes: -ɔː(ɹ)z
    • US enPR: yôrz, IPA: /jɔːɹz/, /jÉšz/, /jɝːz/
    • Rhymes: -ɔː(ɹ)z
    • Homophones: yaws in non-rhotic accents


    From Middle English youres, ȝoures, equivalent to your + -'s.

    Full definition of yours



    1. That which belongs to you (singular); the possessive second-person singular pronoun used without a following noun.If this edit is mine, the other must be yours.Their encyclopedia is good, but yours is even better.It’s all yours.
    2. That which belongs to you (plural); the possessive second-person plural pronoun used without a following noun.
    3. Written at the end of a letter, before the signature.Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Yours, Sincerely yours

    Usage notes

    In British English the adverb almost invariably follows the word yours at the end of a letter; in most dialects of American English it usually precedes it. As a general rule, sincerely is only employed if the name of the recipient is already known to the writer; a letter begun with Dear Sir or Dear Madam finishes with faithfully. Yours on its own and yours ever are less formal than the other forms.

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