• E=mc²


    • RP IPA: en, /?i? ?i?kw?lz ?m si? ?skw??d/
    • GA IPA: en, /?i ?ikw?lz ?m si ?skw??d/
    • Rhymes: -en, -??(?)d


    File:Irrhausen-Wartehalle.jpg|thumb|A sculpture of Albert Einstein and his massenergy equivalence formula

    E = mc^2

    in Irrhausen, Rhineland-Palatinate,

    After the formula of massenergy equivalence, an important principle discovered by the German-born theoretical physicist Albert Einstein (1879–1955).

    The formula entered the popular consciousness after it was included in the opening pages of the Smyth Report (1945), a widely read document that explained the United States’ nuclear weapons program to the public for the first time. Its appearance alongside a portrait of the (already well known) Einstein on a Time (magazine) magazine cover the following year consolidated its fame.

    Full definition of E=mc²



    1. (idiomatic, informal) A formulation or realization that captures a profound thought in simple terms.
      • 1999, Mary Lynn Damhorst; Kimberly A. Miller-Spillman; Susan O. Michelman, The Meanings of Dress, "Beauty isn't about looking young." OK, so it's not E=mc² or even w:Isaac Newton
      • 2001, w, Pearl’s Secret: A Black Man’s Search for His White Family Chapter Tenth Man Classic, What counted most through the generations, far more than any other factor, regardless of our race, was how we treated those we loved and how well we loved. That seemed the transcendent lesson or moral that my search had revealed. And it held true whether the figure was my mother or Fredda on one side of our family tree, or Rita or Anna Beaumont on the other. Simple as it was, it was my E = mc².
      • 2005, Jeff Byles, Rubble: Unearthing the History of Demolition Chapter Fragmentation at a Price, What Jacques Derrida is to literature, Mark Loizeaux is to building demolition: He's the philosopher king of demolition. ... Loizeaux's battle plan remains formidably elegant, the E = MC² of demolition.
      • 2010, w, Confession of a Buddhist Atheist Chapter Embrace Suffering, If conditioned arising was the e = mc² of Gotama i.e., w:The Buddha

    Further reading


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