• Backup


    • IPA: /ˈbæk.ÊŒp/

    Alternative forms


    back + up

    Full definition of backup



    (plural backups)
    1. A reserve or substitute.If the goalkeeper is injured, we have a backup.
    2. (computing) A copy of a file or record, stored separately from the original, that can be used to recover the original if it is destroyed or damaged.After the power failure, we had to restore the database from backup.
    3. An accumulation of material that halts the flow or movement of something.The blockage caused a backup in the plumbing.
    4. (law enforcement) reinforcementsHe's got a gun - you better send for backup.




    1. Standby, reserve or extra.I am only a backup player.
    2. (computing) That is intended as a backup.Make a backup copy of that file.


    Usage notes

    Back-up is an alternative spelling of backup. Both spellings are used as either a noun or an adjective. The verb back up is always spelled as two words and never with a hyphen.

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