• Cornstalk


    corn + stalk

    Full definition of cornstalk



    (plural cornstalks)
    1. (botany) The tough, fibrous stalk of a corn (maize) plant, often ground for silage after harvest.
    2. (botany) A single specimen of a corn plant once past the seedling stage and which may, at maturity, bear multiple ears of corn.
    3. (Australia, slang, obsolete) A non-indigenous person born in Australia.
    A few decades earlier henon-indigenous person of Australian birth would have been nicknamed a ‘cornstalk’, a sarcastic reference to the way in which Australian children, like colonial wheat, grew fast and gangly; but labels could change with great rapidity, and by 1882 ‘cornstalk’ had become a caustic term for the New South Welsh.
    1. (Australia, slang, pejorative) a non-indigenous native of New South Wales. He's a bloody cornstalk.
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