• Could


    • IPA: /kÊŠd/
    • Rhymes: -ÊŠd

    Alternative forms


    From Middle English coude, from Old English cuþ, preterite form of cunnan ("to be able"). The addition of the silent 'l' was likely a misappropriation attempting to normalize with modal verbs will/would and shall/should.

    However, while the letter l was historically pronounced in the latter two, can never did have an l sound in it.


    1. could

      (simple past of can)
      1. Used as a past indicative.Before I was blind, I could see very well.
      2. Used as a past subjunctive (irrealis).I think he could do it if he really wanted to.I wish I could fly!
    2. Used to politely ask for permission to do something.
      Could I borrow your coat?
    3. Used to politely ask for someone else to do something.
      Could you proofread this email?
    4. Used to show the possibility that something might happen.
      • 2013-06-29, Travels and travails, Even without hovering drones, a lurking assassin, a thumping score and a denouement, the real-life story of Edward Snowden, a rogue spy on the run, could be straight out of the cinema. But, as with Hollywood, the subplots and exotic locations may distract from the real message: America’s discomfort and its foes’ glee.
    5. We could rearrange the time if you like.
    6. Used to suggest something.
      You could try adding more salt to the soup.

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