• Ensue


    • AusE IPA: /enˈsjʉː/
    • RP IPA: /enˈsjuː/
    • GenAm IPA: /É›nˈsuː/
    • Rhymes: -uː


    Late 14c., from Old French ensu-, preposition stem of ensivre ("follow close upon, come afterward") (French ensuivre), from Latin Ä«nsequere, from Ä«nsequi ("to pursue, follow, follow after; come next"), from in- ("upon") (see in-) + sequi ("follow") (see sequel).

    Full definition of ensue


    1. (obsolete, transitive) To follow (a leader, inclination etc.).
      • 1596, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, IV.ii:to ripenesse of mans state they grew:
        Then shewing forth signes of their fathers blood,
        They loued armes, and knighthood did ensew,
        Seeking aduentures ....
      • GoldingTo ensue his example in doing the like mischief.
    2. To occur afterwards, as a result or effect.Give three freshmen six bottles of wine, and hilarity will ensue.


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