• Footman


    Middle English footman, fotman, foteman ("foot soldier, running footman")

    Full definition of footman



    (plural footmen)
    1. (archaic) A soldier who marches and fights on foot; a foot soldier.
    2. A man in waiting; a male servant whose duties are to attend the door, the carriage, the table, etc.
      • 1959, Georgette Heyer, The Unknown Ajax Chapter 1, And no use for anyone to tell Charles that this was because the Family was in mourning for Mr Granville Darracott …: Charles might only have been second footman at Darracott Place for a couple of months when that disaster occurred, but no one could gammon him into thinking that my lord cared a spangle for his heir.
    3. (historical) A servant who runs in front of his master's carriage.
    4. A metallic stand with four feet, for keeping anything warm before a fire.
    5. (zoology) A moth of the family ; -- so called from its livery-like colors.


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