2007 Aug 25, Stowe Boyd, tweet, https://twitter.com/stoweboyd/status/226570552I support the hash tag convention: http://tiny url.com/2qttlb #hashtag #factoryjoe #twitter
2009, Paul McFedries, Pete Cashmore, Twitter Tips, Tricks, and TweetsYou can also search for a hashtag by typing a topic (without the #) in the search box and clicking Search.
2009, Alistair Croll, Sean Power, Complete Web MonitoringWhile hashtags aren't formally part of Twitter, some clients, such as Tweetdeck, will persist hashtags across replies to create a sort of message threading.
2011, Rory Stewart, "Here we go again", London Review of Books, 33.VII:The planes are moving into position. The foreign ministers of minor Arab states are taking calls on their cell-phones from Western politicians. Twitter accounts explode around the Libyan hash-tag.