• Lifesaver

    Full definition of lifesaver



    (plural lifesavers)
    1. Someone or something that saves lives.
      • 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, Mr. Pratt's Patients Chapter 7, “… if you call my duds a ‘livery’ again there'll be trouble. It's bad enough to go around togged out like a life saver on a drill day, but I can stand that 'cause I'm paid for it. What I won't stand is to have them togs called a livery. …”
    2. My dad loves his job as a surf lifesaver.   Paramedics are not just ordinary workers, but lifesavers with a very important job.
    3. (figuratively) Someone or something that is very useful or helpful.
      Thank you so much for fixing my car; you're a real lifesaver!   This shop is a lifesaver on a hot day when you're craving a cold drink.
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