• Lobby


    • UK IPA: /lÉ’bi/
    Rhymes: -É’bi
    • US IPA: /lÉ‘bi/

    Origin 1

    From Old French *lobie, from Medieval Latin lobium, lobia, laubia ("a portico, covered way, gallery") , from Old High German or Middle High German.

    Full definition of lobby



    (plural lobbies)
    1. An entryway or reception area; vestibule; passageway; corridor.I had to wait in the lobby for hours before seeing the doctor.
    2. That part of a hall of legislation not appropriated to the official use of the assembly.
    3. A class or group of people who try to lobby or influence public officials; collectively, lobbyists.The influence of the tobacco lobby has decreased considerably in the US.
    4. (video games) A virtual area where players can chat and find opponents for a game.
    5. (nautical) An apartment or passageway in the fore part of an old-fashioned cabin under the quarter-deck.
    6. A confined place for cattle, formed by hedges, trees, or other fencing, near the farmyard.

    Derived terms


    1. (intransitive, transitive) To attempt to influence (a public official or decision-maker) in favor of a specific opinion or cause.For years, pro-life groups have continued to lobby hard for restrictions on abortion.
      • 2002, Jim Hightower, inThe corporations don't have to lobby the government anymore. They are the government.
      • 2013-08-10, Schumpeter, Cronies and capitols, Policing the relationship between government and business in a free society is difficult. Businesspeople have every right to lobby governments, and civil servants to take jobs in the private sector.

    Related terms

    Origin 2



    1. (informal) scouse (from lobscouse)
      • My mam cooked us lobby for tea last night.
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