• Mantic


    • enPR: măn'tÄ­k, IPA: /ˈmæntɪk/
    • Rhymes: -æntɪk


    Ancient Greek μαντικός, from μάντις (mantis, "seer, soothsayer"), from μαίνομαι (mainomai, "I am mad, raving").

    Full definition of mantic



    1. Relating to divination; prophetic.
      • 1921, Sir William Osler, The Evolution of Modern Medicine - He casts his horoscope secundum artem, then, taking a branch of tamarisk, a favorite tree from which to get the divining rod, he names some twenty-nine or thirty mantic arts, from pyromancy to necromancy, by which he offers to predict his future.
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