• Molecule


    Summary: from French molécule, from New Latin molecula ("a molecule"), diminutive of Latin moles ("a mass"); see mole.

    French language molécule (1674, , Conversations tirées de l'Académie de M. l'abbé Bourdelot, contenant diverses recherches et observations physiques) cited in Quemada, Bernard (1965), Datations et documents lexicographiques (tome 3).

    Latin language molecula (early XVII cent., ), cited in Le Grand Robert de la Langue Française (2e édn) tome 6. ISBN 2-85036-094-5. pp. 522–23. Diminutive of moles

    Full definition of molecule



    (plural molecules or moleculæ)
    1. (chemistry) The smallest particle of a specific element or compound that retains the chemical properties of that element or compound; two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds.
      • 2013, Katie L. Burke, In the News, The critical component of the photosynthetic system is the “water-oxidizing complex”, made up of manganese atoms and a calcium atom. This system splits water molecules and delivers some of their electrons to other molecules that help build up carbohydrates.
    2. A tiny amount.


    • (small amount) see also .


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