2000, John Kissinger, Where Angels Fear:The setting was remote but the road to her house was well traveled; she grew, imported, and blended a rich array of exotic teas and herbs and her skill with these plantly products was such that she never lacked for appreciative customers.
2009, Adam Osterweil, The Lost Treasure of Talus Scree:Out of all the conversion rocks, only two of them require an added potion to make the effects stick—the pebble of plantly conversion and the pebble of godly conversion.
2010, Tom Fischer, The Gardener's Color Palette:Beauty and endurance both rank high among the plantly virtues, and it is a rare individual that has them both.
In a plantly manner or fashion.
1976, Ernest Wood, The Seven Rays:... of new mind-powers which burst through its old fears and dislikes with a new creativeness and make forms which will be challenging and educative — something human, and finally divine, not merely plantly beautiful, and animally beautiful.