• Selector


    • Rhymes: -É›ktÉ™(ɹ)


    select + -or

    Full definition of selector



    (plural selectors)
    1. Someone or something which selects or chooses different options.
      1. (cricket) An administrator responsible for selecting which players will play for a side.
      2. (internet) A matching expression in a stylesheet determining which elements in the markup are affected by a style.
      3. (computing) A pointer to a structure describing a segment of memory.
        • 1990, Byte (volume 15, issues 11-13, page 256)Phar Lap executables ... provide a protected-mode selector, 34h, that maps to the first megabyte of physical memory.
        • 1995, Lary L. Myers, ‎Keith Weiskamp, Amazing 3-D games adventure set (page 235)You will only have to be concerned with DPMI, selectors, and such, if you use Borland C++ in DOS.

    Derived terms

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