• Solitaire


    • US IPA: /ˈsÉ’lɪˌtɛər/


    Borrowing from fr solitaire, ultimately from Latin sōlitārius.

    Full definition of solitaire



    (plural solitaires)
    1. A person who lives alone; a recluse or hermit.
    2. A game for one person, played on a board with pegs or balls, in which the object is, beginning with all the places filled except one, to remove all but one of the pieces by "jumping", as in draughts.
    3. (chiefly US) Any of various card games that can be played by one person. Called patience in the rest of the world.
    4. An extinct bird related to dodo, , Rodrigues solitaire, that lived on the island of Rodrigues.
    5. An extinct bird formerly believed to be related to the dodo, more precisely Réunion solitaire, , now preferably Réunion ibis, .
    6. One of several American species of bird in the genus Myadestes in the thrush family.
    7. A gem set on its own.




    1. living or being alone; solitary

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